Join Our Weekly Zoom Meditation & Dialogue

Please scroll down and read all notices before joining the call. It’s important to check this space each week to confirm the times for our meditation and the Dialogue that follows.

Please remember to double check for time zone differences! The waiting room opens 10-minutes before the meditation and is locked 5-minutes later due to the nature of this session. It reopens at 19.30 for those joining the Dialogue.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

  • INTENTIONAL: A Sonic Meditation: 19:00-19:30 GMT+1 (Madrid)

  • Dialogue: 19:30 - 20:30 GMT+1 (Madrid)

  • Topic: The First Opportunity to Negotiate

Before Joining a Call

Please ensure that you’re in a noise-free environment and communicate to others that you’re not to be disturbed. This is a true dialogue, which means your microphone is on unless one person's background noise disrupts the discussion for everyone. If this happens, it’s necessary to mute everyone.

  • Use only your first name when you sign-in

  • Video is required to make sure everyone is heard and seen

  • The Waiting Room opens 30-minutes before the start time

  • The Zoom Room is LOCKED 10-minutes after the scheduled start time

  • By entering, you understand the sessions are recorded and agree you may appear on video

  • Video and/or audio is only shared with other students

Expulsion: Cause & Consequences

We have zero tolerance for arrogance, rudeness, or disrespect, be it body language, the spoken or written word. If such behaviour occurs in Week 1, a team member will address it with you privately to find and agree to a solution.

If you choose to withdraw from the course at this point, you receive a 50% refund of your registration fee.

A second experience, felt by the facilitator or another learner, results in expulsion with the full course fee forfeited.

Material Needed for Dialogue Sessions

When you join the Dialogues be prepared to share an expression of gratitude. Also, understand that there are going to be moments when doing is more important than hearing and talking. For those moments, make sure you have the following materials nearby;

  • An apple and a banana

  • A cutting board and a sharp knife

  • Ribbon or piece of narrow rope 50 cm/20 inches long

  • PVA Glue, glitter and other kinds of decoration

  • Your notebook, a sheet of paper, a pen and a pencil

  • A pair of old glasses with the lenses pulled out

  • Cellophane tape, Rubber-bands, and a pair of scissors

Please check this space before entering a dialogue to see if you’re asked to bring something special.

Intentional - A Sonic Meditation

  • Headphones are required

  • The Waiting Room opens 30-minutes before the start time

  • The Room is LOCKED 10-minutes after the scheduled start time

  • Sessions are not recorded

  • Everyone is muted during the 17-minute meditation

  • Microphones reopen after the meditation so experiences can be shared

  • Everyone is encouraged to Phone hOMe the following day to share your thoughts and feelings