Willingness to be A Cosmic Fool
“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” Epictetus
Today, 07 February 2024, is the 37th anniversary of the most important decision of my life. After being dragged back from the ‘other side’ against my will three weeks before, I celebrate this day as an intentional ‘ReBirthday’, having made the decision to remember, report, and live when given the opportunity to go ‘Home’, to ‘die’.
The brilliant, Dr. John Ceres Amson
Over three decades ago, this quote became a cornerstone in my emotional foundation. It gave me the courage to speak as the knowledge of the Mereon Matrix unfolded.
It was put to the test in early August 1998 when Lou Kauffman and I attended a physics conference at Cambridge in England, to make our first presentation of the Pattern and the seeds of this work. There are no words to make it clear how intimidated I was, standing in front of brilliant scholars from diverse academic domains. When we finished our 2-hour presentation, the floor was opened for Q & A, and the room was terrifyingly silent. Finally, a man in the middle of the audience raised his hand, stood, and spoke. “My first question is for you, Lynnclaire. How on earth did you keep your sanity mapping this incredible complexity?”
It was Dr. John Ceres Amson, professor of mathematics at Scotland’s St. Andrews University. Over the next 25-years, John and his wife Christine Crow became a dearest friends, and the journey from Spain to Edinburgh became a biannual pilgrimage for ‘family time and rain’. Travelling by train over the Firth and up to Leuchars Station was always a joy. ‘Home for the Hols’ in December 2014, I remember pulling into the station, seeing Christine waiting on the platform, wearing a bright smile and an even brighter jester’s hat!
It’s time to tear down the silos that separate your physical, mental and emotional realties, which is precisely what this experience and method offers!