Wholeness: Peace by Piece
It's Time To Reclaim Your Life, Living With Passion & Joy!

Find What’s True For You!
Join the lifetime journey and reclaim, rediscover, and revitalise every piece of self, understanding how perspective opens genuine wisdom!
Discover what’s true for you
Discover the meaning of InLightening and InPowering
Escape from what’s holding you back
Learn to make decisions that align with your highest good
Self-guided or facilitated in our Zoom Dialogues, you’re not alone
Learn to Embrace Change & Heal
Speak what’s true for you with power
Inpower yourself from within
Keep others from putting out your light
Heal and learn to co-create joyous realationships
Harness the courage, and make the First Step!
Our Blog
Thinking Out Loud Allowed
The Academy blog is filled with information, art, inspiring stories, and aspirational thoughts. Please visit and share with us and others what you find meaningful.
Weekly Facilitation via Zoom!
Weekly Zoom Dialogues and Intentional, a sonic meditation, nurture the inner connections you’re building. Heathy interactions are quickly felt in the relationships built through these experiences.
Together, we co-create a safe space where you can ask questions, reflect out loud on emerging thoughts, new ideas, and decisions you’re considering.
Join us to explore how the eight Mereon ArcTypes co-operate, bringing you conscience to conscious awareness. Each week you will see positive changes happening as you begin making decisions that are best for you!
Your Adventure awaits!

Life Lessons Longing to be Learned
A journey of self-discovery and healing, this experience is learning how to ‘InLighten’ and ‘InPower’ yourself.
It’s about learning how to live authentically by making your uniqueness audible and visible.
It’s learning to free yourself to be natural, stepping out of relationsh*t and co-creating healthy realationships.
It’s understanding what’s going on when someone says they are speaking truth to power.
It’s you speaking about what’s true for you with power, compassion, and wisdom.
Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction. Rumi

4-Week Course
4-Week Course 💫
+23 Hours of Video Content Curated from 30 Years of Experience
4 Weeks of Zoom Dialogues
4Weeks of Zoom Meditations
Asynchronous Video Communication
+20 Years of Scientific Research Coherent with Ancient Knowledge
Access to ALL lessons and videos
Join a vibrant and supportive community
Take the first step to discovering YOUR authenticity
Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science
A fusion of timeless wisdom and the latest insights into modern science
Building an Intentional Community
A global community of open-hearted, open-minded individuals
Simple Logic & the Complexity of Love
Inlighten and inpower yourself by finding your answers
Facilitated or Self-Directed Experience
Asynchronous Video and Zoom ensure you’re not alone

It’s Time To Blaze Your Path
Bulldoze emotion boulders and fill the potholes in your path!
Discover how to take a pass on shortcuts that are’t likely to be scenic routes1
Rekindle your childlike spirit and transform childish attitudes!
Reclaim a sense of wonder and discover the extraordinary within you!
Craft your magnum opus! Reveal your true masterpeace!
Lynnclaire is a natural scientist, author, and artist whose life was flipped inside out when four Near-Death Experiences cremated every belief she’d been giving lip service to for decades. For over three decades she’s worked with top level scientists around the world, and in 2018 they publishing a definitive book on dynamic systems theory, revealing the connection between science and matters usually relegated to the realm of ‘spiritual’. Discovering Wholeness uses the sequential logic of growth to let you determine how you will live love.
An American by birth, Europe has been home since 2000, and Lynnclaire is now a permanent resident of Spain. Home is on the western slopes of the breathtaking Sierra de Tejeda, above the Mediterranean, a slice of paradise she shares with her cherished family and friends, including Sibi, an endearing and delightfully mischievous Yorkie; and Pisa, a wise and beautiful feline.